(像7-11的便利商店,到處都是,Helsinki 中央車站裡至少有四家,機場好像也有)
(1Gb=9.9歐/月 ; 無限流量=16歐/月)。
PS1: 芬蘭的sim卡,沒有iphone 5s的size,要買回適當大小的卡回來自己剪,或請電信商幫你剪,不是每張sim卡都能剪,購買前請詢問是否可以剪成5s的sim卡大小!
(補)PS1: 據說dna有出iphone 5s的size, 但是我的朋友們都沒有找到販賣點就是了...
PS2: 如果要打國際電話, 在瑞典跟希臘有成功撥通過, 但在義大利卻失敗了, 如果要開通國際通話還是再向電信商確認一下比較好!
I went to R-kioski, a convenient store, they are everywhere, and ask for a "dna" prepaid card,
it costs 5 euro, and it already have 7 euro in it.
You can always top it up at R-kioski or dna's service point with your phone number.
First time top up, it will give you extra 5 euro, and they will send you a message to conform it, in the message it contain a link which you can buy the Internet service package (1Gb=9.9 euro/month ; unlimited=16 euro/month), and check the balance in your prepaid card.
ps: Finland do not have the prepaid card that fit in iphone 5s, you'll gonna have to cut it yourself, just make sure that the "chip" part on the sim card is not too big for your 5s. The smartest way is to inform them you have a 5s before you buy the sim card.